Fifth Grade Project Yellowstone part 2

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By: Aylani
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Embedding Internet Safety to Blog practice

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Today we are going to try and embed your video(s) in your blog.  The first thing that you will need to do is make sure your video is loaded into your class/hour group on GoAnimate!  Once that has been taken care of I can then copy and send you (through email) the embed code that you will need to post to your blog (some of you might notice that you have already been sent the email).

Additionally, when you receive the email that contains the embed code from me you will need to forward that to your partner since they will also need to embed your video(s) on their blog.

To complete the Internet Safety project you will need to embed your video(s) on your blog.  If you have only one video you will embed it in one blog post - if you have more than one video you will have to embed each video in a different blogpost.  Once you have embedded all of your videos you will need to send me an email that contains the names of you and your partner(s), as well as a link to your blog and your partners blog.  Here is what I would do if I were Jimmy Fallon:

Mr. Pardoe:

Here are the links to our groups blogs for the Internet Safety project:

Jimmy Fallon -
Tina Fey -


Jimmy Fallon
Tonight Show host

After completing this, what I want you to do is choose a practice website to go to and practice.  Use your speed skin while you are practicing.

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Learn the N G

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Today is going to be pretty basic.  Well review all of the keys weve learned so far, and then well add two new keys to the mix - the N (R1) and the G (L1).
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Happy Halloween! Crossword puzzle due

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The crossword puzzle 1-6 is due today at the beginning of the hour.  If you have handed in the crossword puzzle you need to complete any missing work and get it handed in.

If you have everything done you can go to the following website where there are Halloween games to play.  The rule for today is that you can go to this website, but you are not allowed to click on any other link once you get to the game you are trying to play.

Halloween website

If you decide to go trick-or-treating tonight, stay warm, and have fun!!

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My Brain Might be Full

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As always CS & IT was amazing this year. I got back from California Wednesday night. Our presentation about CS Pricniples went well. At least I assume it did. Lots of good questions and no one threw anything.

Every presentation I sat in on was great. Ill summarize those later when I am a bit mor caught up and my kids stop asking who the strange lady walking around the house is. All the presentations are here.

Of course one of the best parts about the confernece is seeing everyone. I still find it a bit funny to talk to folks that wrote the books I turn to all the time in class. I have not yet asked anyone to sign anything, I dont want to come off as too stalker-ish.

We are still hard at work planning our own Virginia conference this September 28th. Lots of fun things planned for everyone. I hope to bring a small slice of the energy from CS & IT back home to Virginia.

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CSTA Chapter Toolkit

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I have had a few CSTA folks ask, so here are some tools weve been using for the CSTA - Central VA Chapter.

The hardest part of running a chapter is communication - who is a member? How do we let folks know about meetings? I have found this collection of tools really helps.

  • Dominoes Pizza App - because pizza makes things better. It also lets you save a standard order to speed things up. We have some gluten free folks, so we use Dominoes. Insert Foodstuff of choice.
  • Doodle Poll- lets you easily poll several people to find a common meeting time. We use this when the leadrship team needs to meet.
  • Evite - We use these for chapter meetings. It really helps since it lets folks RSVP so you have an idea of how many folks to expect.
  • Facebook - I put all the links here and meeting info. A lot of folks start with Facebook searches.
  • Google Contacts- I keep our membership list here and have a canned response saved every time we get a new member.
  • Mail Chimp - We use this to create a membership form. In hindsight I could have used a Google form too. Here is what the page looks like.
  • Wordpress - This is our chapters main landing page. I have it set so I can post using emails, and this email is included in our distribution list, so any updates or Evites I send to the chapter are automatically posted on the blog. Warning - dont put personal phone numbers in these emails, not that I have done this or anything...

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Vocab definitions due! Internet Safety project

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For those who have vocab definitions due please remember that your definitions needs to be posted to the Wikispaces webpage by tonight!

We will be working on our Internet Safety project during class today.  I have new login information for you - please be sure to write this information down!!  You will have to start over with a new video, but you should be ok because you would have only had a maximum of 30 seconds from your last video.
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Google at Grace Hopper

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I was at Grace Hopper two weeks back as a part of teh CSTA leadership Advocacy meeting. As always lots of great information.

I spotted this video posted in LinkedIn earlier today - it is a great view of the types of jobs available in tech, and how girls fit in to the picture.

Google Loves Grace Hopper

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FA2 vocab week 4 software

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*Formatting Activity 2
*Formatting Activity 3
*Learn new keys:  the numbers (across top of keyboard)
*Speed Test
*Technique grade
*Vocab quiz #4 (list is SOFTWARE)

One note from last week (this will be important as we go forward and continue to work on Formatting Activities) - once you submit a formatting activity and I grade it if you do it correctly you will NOT get an email in return; however, if there is some part of the activity that you do not complete correctly I will be sending you an email with details on what you didnt do correctly.  In most cases you do not need to respond to these emails - I just send them to you so you know why you got the grade you got.  There may be an occasional case where you need to resend me something, and if thats the case Ill mention that in the email.

This is another week of vocabulary, and this weeks vocabulary list is on software.  If you have vocab definitions to complete they should be posted by Tuesday night.

We are going to start today with working on Formatting Activity 2.  When we do these activities they will be embedded on the blog (you can see it below); on most days I will be discussing with you what you need to do to complete the formatting activity correctly, but if I see people working on the assignment while I am talking and explaining how to complete the formatting activity I will be taking 10% off of your grade.  Do not start working on these activities until I tell you to start.

Activity 2.pdf

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Photoshop video Funspots formatting activity

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The video we are going to watch today will help you to understand a little more about an amazing piece of software called Photoshop.  This is used in many different graphic design careers, and it is easily the most dynamic image editing software on the market.

After watching the video you will be working on completing the Funspots formatting activity in Excel.  You will have the entire hour to work - this will be due tomorrow.

Lastly, for those of you with vocab definitions to enter on the Wiki spaces page, that has to be done by tonight.
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How you can Choose A Good Adware Blocker

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The modern world lives on computers, which became an indispensable element of our society and everyday life. However viruses, spyware and adware often inflict irreparable damage to computers not only by erasing valuable data system but also by the crash of hard disk in some cases.

Adware is actually a software that displays advertisements in the form of pop ups, banners, pop-unders and promotional materials often with adult content. Some of these are extremely harmful adware as is often rummage through your browser that hinder the activity of your privacy to a large extent and cause more harm than just taking you to certain websites. Adware gathers information on websites youve visited, and slows your computer as a shipping line can become frustrating. They may even change the settings on your computer. A adware blocker can stop this situation.

Some of adware are so powerful that they often have control of your browser. May They even send you to another Web page without your permission of course. Often, adware add toolbars in the browser window you unintentionally. They use cookies to track your personal habits and sometimes even personal data such as credit card numbers, social security number, name and address and a host of other things.

Adware is blocking software that blocks adware jeopardize your privacy. There are different types of software blocking adware is available on the market. But when installing an adware blocker, you need to know to be appropriate for you. There are different magazines, websites and also experts who can give you information on apt the myriad types of adware blocking programs that can be purchased to protect your PC against the code of this vicious circle.

After acquiring a good adware blocker you must ensure that the software is updated regularly. Because blocking a adware fails to perform effectively if it is not updated on a regular basis. So get a adware blocker that you know will deliver results for you, and keep updating, and you can be sure that your computer is secure.
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Fifth Grade Project Grand Canyon part 2

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By: Jaquwan
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Friday finally! Crossword puzzle due

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Please hand in your crossword puzzle - when you do make sure your name is at the top of the paper.

Today we are going to do a little competition, and instead of trying to describe it here I will explain what we are doing in class so you have a better idea of what you need to do.
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Crossword puzzle 1 6 Create a blog

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I will be handing out crossword puzzle 1-6 - it is a review of all words on lists 1 through 6 and is due Friday.  As usual, if you get it done before Friday you are welcome to turn it in early.

Today we are going to begin creating your blog.  We will need to go to Bloggers website -  This is going to allow you to be creative to a certain degree, and we will also have some assignments that will be required to be posted to your blog.  Since we are doing this at school you will have a few rules you will have to follow:
  • Your blog will need to be school appropriate at all times
  • There will be no games on your blog
  • You will open your blog (or be on your blog) ONLY when you are told to.  You will not be on your blog during class changing designs or posting information (or for any other reason) without permission
  • You are responsible for EVERYTHING that is on your blog, so be careful with what you do
  • Once the semester is over you can do with your blog what you want.  You are the owner/creator, so you have full power to use it as you wish (continue to use it for whatever purpose or completely delete the blog)
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Vocab video complete FA6 missing work Alice

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Here is another video for this weeks vocabulary:


If you have not yet finished FA6 you will have class time to get that done.  If you are done then you need to finish any missing work that you dont have turned in.  I have not yet graded FA5 so if you did not complete it you need to get it turned in ASAP.  If you dont have any missing work then you need to complete the Alice tutorial from Monday - here is the website again:

Tomorrow is obviously the last day before Spring Break and our vocab quiz over Technical terms - lets make sure to end the week on a good note and go into Spring Break with a good feeling!
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Data Unit Day Seven

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(This is a day by day of the Data: Lets do the Numbers Unit in CS Principles. The overview is here.)

So far the Data Portfolio has gone really well. Students are excited about their data sets and questions. Today we moved on to using these data sets to explore the questions they posed last class.

Number Crunching on the Eniac

Today I also realized I have been worrying about this too much. I was coming at this as a math major that hated statistics and absorbed as little of it as possible. I was worried about all the high end statistical analysis they need to do. Really I was making it too complicated. 

By giving them some positive experiences with data early in the unit, and steering the process of asking questions and selecting a data set they were in a position to handle the computation part of it with minimal trouble.

I have also realized there are some institutional barriers to getting this portfolio done. Some things teachers really need to think about ahead of time:

  • Computer Equipment and software. Due to budget cuts we still use Office 2003. Students have had difficulty with some of the larger data sets and Excel.
  • Internet filtering: Many data sets were blocked by our school filters. Also sites like Google Docs  are blocked, which is making collaboration between students difficult.
  • Limited storage space on the school network makes it hard to store the datasets. 
  • Many of my students do not have Internet access at home. In addition they live an hour or more away from school and staying after is not possible for many families. This is limiting their ability to collaborate outside of school. I am having to provide a lot of class time for them to write.

Bumpass Virginia - a real place

(You can see all the CS Principles documents here)

Here is the listing of what we did:

  • Work with Partner: today they started looking at their data and answering their questions. Today was a half day due to Kindergarten registration so we only had 45 minutes. Several groups are having to come back to the lab to finish up.
  • The prompt for the Data Portfolio rubric is:
apply computational tools and techniques to answer your questions, e.g., by finding patterns in the data, by transforming or translating the data, or by finding connections between the data and other sources of knowledge
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Pizza orders directly from the smartphone

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In case youre hungry and want to order pizza or food with delivery at office or at home , we have from now available and an application,developed for iOS and Android."Pizzicato" is called and is made of Ascend
NetSolutions. The application has been downloaded of Google Play and App Store,before the official announcement.

Immediately after the user place an order,this is contacted by phone of an operator Pizzicato which will confirm delivery.

The applications can be downloaded on phone : for Android & for iOS.
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What is Robotics

Lego Robotics

Institute of Robotics
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The Great Debate Writing in CS Principles

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I have been asked to share this - I usually do this during my second unit in APCS Principles - The Internet Unplugged.

Writing is a big part of doing well on the new Performance Task assessments for the course. I have found this activity to be a great way to get them writing. I do not grade for grammar or spelling at this point. I want them writing, we can work on mechanics later.

One activity that works really well to get students writing is an online debate using a discussion board. The point of this activity is to get them used to thinking and debating a topic and responding to other students. In the beginning students tend to take a very surface approach to topics. Debating lets them really delve in and explore the why behind the points they are making.

This activity works well in several areas of the APCS Principles curriculum. It is simple to grade and really gets the students engaged in writing.
To get them ready we play a game in class to get them used to pros and cons, then we debate a current event topic online. The in class debate topic does not necessarily need to relate to computer science. For the online topic I usually pull a current event that relates to something like privacy or online ethics.
The in Class Game:
Have the students line up into two equal lines. Make one like pro and one line con.
Then explain the rules:
  • the two lines take turns
  • after a student goes they move to the back of the line
  • if you are in the pro line you must be for the resolution, if you are in the con line you must be against it, no matter your own personal opinions
  • whoever is at the front of the line earns a point for every time they
    • add a new point or
    • rebut a point made by the other team
  • No points are awarded for repeated points or responses

Once they understand the rules reveal the topic reveal the topic. As they take turns keep score.
Topics that work well are things like:
  • Resolved: the minimum driving age should be raised to 18
  • Resolved: cell phones should not be allowed in schools
  • Resolved: social media sites should be limited to people over the age of 18

As you move to the online debate a similar format works. In addition students may earn points by by responding with a related fact as long as they provide a link to a reliable source.

I usually let the online debate go on for 3 - 5 days. In the end you can add up points and declare a winner. You can even post a daily point tally. I do usually try to keep the total points close to keep everyone interested.
For topics for the online debate try to pick something currently in the news. The first time I did this activity Congress was debating some Internet piracy legislation that was being heavily covered in the news.  Computer Science is constantly in the news there is almost something in the headlines related to the Learning Objectives.

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Its Logical

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So we are wrapping up conditionals in the CS Principles course. We have come so far this year, and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Part of me cant believe how much we have covered, and part of me wishes there was more time. I suppose something always gets cut.

Anyway, my goal this unit is to teach simple if thens, throw in some Boolean conditionals and relate all this to digital circuitry ala logic gates. Our final project for the unit will connect this to the Simulation part of the Abstraction Big Idea.

No small task.

For now I am stuck with C++, we have an existing curriculum I am doing the pilot in this class, so I have to get the students through arrays in C++. No wiggle room there. I am ambivalent about C++, it is a great language and I love working in it, but it is not the best vehicle for teaching good programming. It is fiddly to say the least.

On the other hand- BYOB Scratch is a great teaching tool. My original approach this year was to do Scratch first, then transition to C++. Wrong, wrong, wrong.

About two weeks back we were having a hard time getting though the classic leap year problem. I have taught this for years, and typically some kids get it right away, and some kids never fully get it. I had one of those "well, duh" moments, and we switched over to scratch. Within 10 minutes every student had a working leap year tester, could explain why it worked, and could explain how to choose good test data for this problem. We then went back to C++ and used the Scratch visual to build our C++ solution. Amazing!

So this will be my approach next year. Scratch as a prototyping language for C++ rather than two distinct topics. This will let us hit the coding about 6 weeks earlier next year, and if the last two weeks give any indication they should grasp the C++, and the underlying concepts, much faster.

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Shopping List Painting Electric Circuits

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This has gotten to be a bit of an obsession over the past few days. Using paint to create electric circuits.

Seriously, it is all I can think about. I am making a lot of  "this sweater is OK, but it would be awesomer with some LED light bulbs" statements that make my children hover between interest and a deep tween embarrassment that only mothers can induce.

It started with a CNN article on Pens that can be used to draw circuits. I know, great idea.

Except they are from the UK, and kind of pricey (12 pounds which is about $18 today). And according to my sources on twitter the conductivity isnt great once it is dried over long distances. That said the site has some nice classroom kits that include thumbtack batteries. There has been a hollow empty void in my life that is filled now that I know thumbtack batteries exist - you know what I mean?

Also according to the website these pens are available in Radio Shack, so good for those of us stateside.

Think Geek Conductive Paint

For about $30 you can get a 50ml tub of paint from Think Geek. I have visions of renumbering the computers in my lab using this ...possibilities are endless.

This appears to be the same company, so it is probably the same stuff that is in the pens, but it is a better price point for just the paint.

I also found a video describing how to make copper based conductive paint. Sounds fun, but given my overall free time...I might just head to Radio Shack.

MIT also has some resources listed:

  • A Kit of No Parts has a great list, including sources

One of the main reasons I am interested is the application for wearable electronics. I am curious to see if the paint can be used to attach conductive thread to the power source. Ill let you all know if it works.

Need more inspiration? Here is a video of interactive wallpaper made with conductive paint. It plays music.

We do some very simple circuits and logic gates in the APCS Principles class suing play-doh. The play-doh works well because it can be changed and experimented with very easily, but the stuff dries out so nothing can be taken home. This paint would make a nice extension, especially if they can make something to take home. Prototype in play-doh then paint for permanent.

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Crunching Public Data new Online Course

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Code Lesson: Crunching Public Data

This course is available for pre-enrollment at Code Lesson.

The course Description:

Go beyond the spreadsheet! Crunching Public Data is an introductory programming course intended specifically for public- and private-sector knowledge workers who want to make sense of data stored in tabular format, then analyze and visualize it in meaningful ways. In the course we make use of actual data from the US government site to give students real-world experience with data analysis, particularly with data sets in the megabyte to gigabyte range that are larger than spreadsheets can typically handle.

This has a lot of promise for the CS Principles Data Portfolio - cant wait to see what they cover. The plan is to use Python to do the processing.

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Computer Graphic Notes

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dudes....i have uploaded computer graphics notes........

file size:1.7mb

click here to download
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Paper Robots

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Were doing a little crafting in the lab today.

(Source: Next to Nicx)

My CS Principles kids are plugging away on their Internet Portfolio papers. They have chosen some very interesting problems to write about. We are also doing the CSS section of Code Academy. My plan is for them to do a web page about thier paper to present their solutions.

A few of  the kids have gotten ahead. On the paper, and the CSS, they even have done all of the Ruby stuff in Code Academy.

So were making paper robots.

  • Paper robots advent calendar
  • Paper Toys
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Spam video new symbol keys new seating chart

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Reminder:  vocab definitions for vocab list #6 are due tonight!  Here is how many definitions still need to be completed:  1st hour - 4; 2nd hour - 6; 3rd hour - 6; 5th hour - 10; 6th hour - 8. After watching todays video we will again be learning more symbols on the keyboard.  Normally what we learned yesterday would take 2 days to go through, but since weve fallen behind a little I wanted to try and catch up a little by doubling up on the symbols.  So, well review what we learned yesterday and then continue with the new keys today.

The new keys we will be learning will be the # (right shift + L2), & (left shift + R1), + (left shift + R4), @ (right shift + L3), (  (right shift + R3), and )   (left shift + R4).
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you can disable the CD drive and USB in the BIOS or go to
1=eable, 0=disable
3=enable, 4=disable
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Goodbye Class of 2012

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The class of 2012 has left the station!
Today is the last day of school. Unlike many of my fellow teachers I am always sad at the end of the year - kind of sick, I know.

While I am really ready for a break, many of my seniors have been in the program for 3-4 years. Some even participated in our middle school camps. I have taught older brothers and sisters. It makes it hard to say goodbye.

The train above represents only 18 of our graduates out of the computer science program this year. I waited too late to catch many of them. We have 45 senior in total graduating.

I know the picture is hard to read (sorry, I am stretching Paint to its absolute limit) but they are heading off to great schools and programs all over the country. It has been a great group and I am going to miss them.
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60 80 100 Quiz in AP Computer Science

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One of the bigger issues in getting ready for the APCs exam in May is transitioning from coding on a computer, with full support of a compiler with error checking, to writing code down on paper.

To get the kids used to doing this I use the 60-80-100 Quiz.These are short problems where they wrote out the code. If they get it right, they get a 100. Make a few mistakes they get an 80, and if the code doesnt resemble anything we are working on it is a 60.

The rationale is an 80 is not likely to tank your grade for a marking period. they get immediate feedback and start to build confidence in their ability to write out code.

Early in the year we do simple things like:
write an if statement to test of both x and y are equal to 67;

When I grade these I am checking for three main things:

  • did they set up the if correctly
  • did they use &&
  • did they use ==

Super quick and easy to grade. I grade them in class while they do some practice on the computers and I hand them back immediately. They get instant feedback while they are still thinking about it.

As the year moves on I up the difficulty, trying to mimic the style and complexity of the Ap Free Response questions.

So later we might try something like:

Write a method that accepts an ArrayList <Integer> parameter and removes all even numbers.

again I am looking for specific things here...but this also lets me reinforce things like:

  • How do you get an int from an Integer
  • Should you use a for-each loop if you are removing items form the ArrayList

Notice also that it is set up as a method. Since many of the Free Response questions are in the context of a method the more practice they have with using methods, the better.
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WIPRO Latest IT Fresher Placement Sample Question Paper. 

1. When a bicycle is in motion, the force of friction exerted by the ground on the two wheels is such that it acts
(a) In the backward direction on the front wheel and in the forward direction on the rear wheel.
(b) In the forward direction on the front wheel and in the backward direction on the rear wheel.
(c) In the backward direction on both the front and rear wheels.
(d) In the backward direction on both the front and rear wheels.
Ans. (d)

2. A certain radioactive element A, has a half life = t seconds.In (t/2) seconds the fraction of the initial quantity of the element so far decayed is nearly
(a) 29%
(b) 15%
(c) 10%
(d) 45%
Ans. (a)

3. Which of the following plots would be a straight line ?
(a) Logarithm of decay rate against logarithm of time
(b) Logarithm of decay rate against logarithm of number of decaying nuclei
(c) Decay rate against time
(d) Number of decaying nuclei against time

Ans. (b)

4. A radioactive element x has an atomic number of 100.It decays directly into an element y which decays directly into element z. In both processes a charged particle is emitted. Which of the following statements would be true?
(a) y has an atomic number of 102
(b) y has an atomic number of 101
(c) z has an atomic number of 100
(d) z has an atomic number of 101
Ans. (b)

5. If the sum of the roots of the equation ax2 + bx + c=0 is equal to the sum of the squares of their reciprocals then a/c, b/a, c/b are in
(a) AP
(b) GP
(c) HP
(d) None of these
Ans. (c)

6. A man speaks the truth 3 out of 4 times. He throws a die and reports it to be a 6. What is the probability of it being a 6?
(a) 3/8
(b) 5/8
(c) 3/4
(d) None of the above
Ans. (a)

7. If cos2A + cos2B + cos2C = 1 then ABC is a
(a) Right angle triangle
(b) Equilateral triangle
(c) All the angles are acute
(d) None of these
Ans. (a)

8. Image of point (3,Cool in the line x + 3y = 7 is
(a) (-1,-4)
(b) (-1,4)
(c) (2,-4)
(d) (-2,-4)
Ans. (a)

9. The mass number of a nucleus is
(a) Always less than its atomic number
(b) Always more than its atomic number
(c) Sometimes more than and sometimes equal to its atomic number
(d) None of the above
Ans. (c)

10. The maximum KE of the photoelectron emitted from a surface is dependent on
(a) The intensity of incident radiation
(b) The potential of the collector electrode
(c) The frequency of incident radiation
(d) The angle of incidence of radiation of the surface
Ans. (c)

11. Which of the following is not an essential condition for interference
(a) The two interfering waves must be propagated in almost the same direction or the two interfering waves must intersect at a very small angle
(b) The waves must have the same time period and wavelength
(c) Amplitude of the two waves should be the same
(d) The interfering beams of light must originate from the same source
Ans. (c)

12. When X-Ray photons collide with electrons
(a) They slow down
(b) Their mass increases
(c) Their wave length increases
(d) Their energy decreases
Ans. (c)

13. An electron emits energy
(a) Because its in orbit
(b) When it jumps from one energy level to another
(c) Electrons are attracted towards the nucleus
(d) The electrostatic force is insufficient to hold the electrons in orbits
Ans. (b)

14. How many bonds are present in CO2 molecule?
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 0
(d) 4
Ans. (d)

15. In a balanced chemical equation (a) Atoms are conserved
(b) Molecules are conserved
(c) Moles are conserved
(d) Reactant and product molecules are preserved
Ans. (a)

16. How many grams of NaOH will react with 0.2 equivalent of HCl?
(a) 0.59
(b) 0.285
(c) 1.18
(d) none of these
Ans. (a)

17. Which of the following is least acidic
(a) Ortho-cresol
(b) Para-cresol
(c) Phenol
(d) Meta-cresol
Ans. (b)

18. In Reimer-Tiemanns reaction, the reaction intermediate is
(a) Carbene
(b) Dichloro carbene
(c) Carbonion
(d) Carbonium ion
Ans. (b)

19. Which of the following is most acidic?
(a) C2H5OH
(c) Ethanol
(d) CH3OH
Ans. (b)

20.A catalyst
(a)always slows down the reaction
(b)always starts a rection that would not have ocurred at all otherwise
(c)causes changes in the rate of the reaction
(d)changes the quantities of the products formed

Ans. (c)

21.The rate of the first order reaction depends on the
(a) Concentration of the reactant
(b) Concentration of the product
(c) Time
(d) Temperature
Ans. (d)

22. The most abundant element in the universe is
(a) Hydrogen
(b) Helium
(c) Oxygen
(d) Silicon
Ans. (a)

23. Integrate 3x + 5 / (x3-x2-x+1)
(a) 1/2 log | (x+1)/(x-1) | - 4/(x-1)
(b) log |2+tanx|
(c) -(1+logx)/x
(d) 2 log|(tanx)/(tanx+2)
Ans. A

24. If y=cos-1(cosx + 4sinx)/(17)1/2, then dy/dx is
(a) 0
(b) 1
(d) none of these
Ans. (b)

25. If the sum of n terms of two series of A.P are in the ratio 5n+4:9n+6. Find the ratio of their 13th terms
(a) 129/231
(b) 1/2
(c) 23/15
(d) None of the above
Ans. (a)

26. If the letters of the word "rachit" are arranged in all possible ways and these words are written out as in a dictionary, what is the rank of the word "rachit".
(a) 485
(b) 480
(c) 478
(d) 481
Ans. (d)

27. Ravis salary was reduced by 25%.Percentage increase to be effected to bring the salary to the original level is
(a) 20%
(b) 25%
(c) 33 1/3%
(d) 30%

Ans. (c)

28. A and B can finish a piece of work in 20 days .B and C in 30 days and C and A in 40 days. In how many days will A alone finish the job
(a) 48
(b) 34 2/7
(c) 44
(d) 45
Ans. (a)

29. How long will a train 100m long traveling at 72kmph take to overtake another train 200m long traveling at 54kmph
(a) 70sec
(b) 1min
(c) 1 min 15 sec
(d) 55 sec
Ans. (b)

30. What is the product of the irrational roots of the equation (2x-1)(2x-3)(2x-5)(2x-7)=9?
(a) 3/2
(b) 4
(c) 3
(d) 3/4
Ans. (a)

31. Which of the following parameters is the same for molecules of all gases at a given temperature?
(a) Mass
(b) Momentum
(c) Speed
(d) Kinetic energy
Ans. (d)

32. A solid is completely immersed in liquid. The force exerted by the liquid on the solid will
(a) Increase if it is pushed deeper inside the liquid
(b) Change if its orientation is changed
(c) Decrease if it is taken partially out of the liquid
(d) None of the above
Ans. (c)

33. Select the correct statements
(a) A simple harmonic motion is necessarily periodic
(b) An oscillatory motion is necessarily periodic
(c) A periodic motion is necessarily oscillatory
(d) All of the above
Ans. (a)

34. An electron is injected into a region of uniform magnetic flux density with the components of velocity parallel to and normal to the flux. What is the path of the electron?
(a) Helix
(b) Parabola
(c) Circle
(d) Rectangle
Ans. (a)

35. A constant voltage is applied between the 2 ends of a uniform metallic wire. Some heat is developed in it. The heat developed is doubled if
(a) both the length and radius of the wire are halved.
(b) both the length and radius of the wire are doubled
(c) the radius of the wire is doubled
(d) the length of the wire is doubled
Ans. (b)

36. If Youngs double slit experiment is performed in water
(a) the fringe width will decrease
(b) the fringe width will increase
(c) the fringe width remains unchanged
(d) there will be no fringe
Ans. (a)

37. The shape of a spot of light produced when bright sunshine passes perpendicular through a hole of very small size is
(a) Square, because the hole is a square
(b) Round, because it is an image of the sun
(c) Round with a small penumbra around it
(d) Square with a small penumbra
Ans. (b)

Select the alternative that logically follows from the two given statements.
38. Some forms are books
All books are made of paper
(a) Some forms are made of paper
(b) Some forms are not made of paper
(c) No forms are made of paper
(d) None of the above
Ans. (a)

39. All toffees are chocolates
Some toffees are not good for health
(a) Some chocolates are not good for health
(b) Some toffees are good for health
(c) No toffees are good for health
(d) Both (a) and (b)
Ans. (a)

The questions 40-46 are based on the following pattern.The problems below contain a question and two statements giving certain data. You have to decide whether the data given in the statements are sufficient for answering the questions.The correct answer is
(A) If statement (I) alone is sufficient but statement (II) alone is not sufficient.
(B) If statement(II) alone is sufficient but statement(I) alone is not sufficient.
(C) If both statements together are sufficient but neither of statements alone is sufficient.
(D) If both together are not sufficient.
(E) If statements (I) and (II) are identical.

43. If a ground is rectangular, what is its width?
(I) The ratio of its length to its breadth is 7:2
(II) Perimeter of the playground is 396 mts.
Ans. C

44. If the present age of my father is 39 yrs and my present age is x yrs, what is x?
(I) Next year my mother will be four times as old as i would be.
(II) My brother is 2 years older than I and my father is 4 years older than my mother.
Ans. C

45. How many brothers and sisters are there in the family of seven children?
(I) Each boy in the family has as many sisters as brothers
(II) Each of the girl in the family has twice as many brothers as sisters
Ans. D

46. x is not equal to 0, is x + y = 0?
(I) x is the reciprocal of y
(II) x is not equal to 1
Ans. A

Following questions are based on letters analogy.First pair of letters should have the same relationship as the second pair of letters or vice versa.
47. ? : BGLQ : : YDIN : VAFK
(a) EKNS
(b) DKMT
(c) DLMS
(d) EJOT
Ans. (d)

48. NLO : RPS : : ? : ZXA
(a) VUW
(b) VTR
(c) VTW
(d) TRP
Ans. (c)

49. If "segment" is coded as rffndou, then "ritual" is coded as
(a) shutbm
(b) qjutbk
(c) qhutbk
(d) qhubtk
Ans. (c)

50. If "football" is "cricket" ,"cricket" is "basketball" ,"basketball" is "volleyball","volleyball" is "khokho" and "khokho" is cricket, which is not a ball game?
(a) cricket
(b) football
(c) khokho
(d) basketball
Ans. (a)

51. Which of the following is a recursive set of production

(a) S --> a|A, A --> S
(b) S --> a|A, A --> b
(c) S -->aA, A-->S
(d) None of these
Ans. (c)

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hi dudes......just download this resume model.......which is good enough.....

file size:50 kb

click here to download
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Fifth Grade Project Yellowstone part 3

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By: Aylani and Rubi
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Teacher Student Technology Resources

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Diagram Tools
On-line Quiz Tools
Picture Sharing Site
Create A Graph
Post Pictures
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Technique Tuesday ZAP!

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It is midterm exam time here, which means lots of review. Especially for the AP Computer Science class I try to build in plenty of time to do multiple choice practice.

Not my Board - its from Mathastrophe 
This year I am trying a new game - ZAP.

Directions can be found here.

Teams of students play against each other. Everytime a team gets a question correct they pick a ZAP card out of one of the envelopes. The cards say things like "Steal 2 points from one other team", "Add Two Points to your Score" and "ZAP!" where you lose all points.

The advantage to this is it keeps all the teams scores pretty close. This is my main rule for classroom games - Close scores = engaged students. Youve had that experience right? Your team is getting beaten badly, how long do you really keep playing? If all the teams scores are with in 2-3 points everyone is envolved. When one team starts gaining a huge lead it means everyone else is pretty tuned out.

For AP well use review MC questions from the Barrons review book.

In my imaginary free time I would redo the cards with things like "MOD your score by 5" and "Score ++".

Heres a similar game called Bazinga that also includes this like "Randomly Switch a Member  with Another Team", "Randomly have a player from the winning team go to the losing team" and "Take half of all the other teams points". I like the idea of switching kids around, not so sure about the last one. Seems to violate my rule of "keep the game pretty close ando the kids stay interested".

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Our Computer Lab

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Computer Science Honor Society

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Do you think there should be a computer science honor society? A group to recognize teh hard work our computer science kids do throughout the year? Several of us are working on forming a Computer Science Honor Society for high school students. This is an idea that has been bouncing around in different forms for a few years now. The working title is Zeta Omicron (for Ones and Zeros).

We are hoping to do inductions next school year during computer science education week. If you are interested in participating join us over at the edWeb site. The groups name is Computer Science Honor Society.

Right now we are starting to think about membership requirements and plans for the love to hear your thoughts!
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HTML Resources

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Dynamic Drive
Lissa Explains
HTML Goodies
Script Archive
Domain Registration
Hot Scripts
HTML Tutorial
Web Reference
HTML Validator
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Voki Example

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Great Books for CS Principles

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The applications to pilot the new CS Principles class are due today. As folks were working on their submissions I have had several questions about books I used as a part of developing curriculum for the course.

I want by starting with a caution. Relying too much on one book runs the risk of locking in your curriculum. The course is most powerful when you have the flexibility to adapt what you are doing to where the students interest point. Relying on only one book you run the risk of robbing them of this experience.

Also, you as the teacher need to be driving your course. Obviously we need materials to fill in gaps in our own knowledge, but you ultimately need to develop these materials to meet your students where they are and pull them into the course.

So, now that I have warned you, here is my partial  list of books I used over the past two years.

  • CS Principles Bookshelf
  • Blown to Bits
  • also Tubes

I am curious, what books have you all been using? Anything unexpected?

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Crossword puzzle due learn 3 6 and 2

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You need to turn in your crossword puzzle at the beginning of the hour.  Please make sure your name is on your paper.

We will review the numbers that we have learned so far, then we will learn the last 3 numbers - the 3 (L2), the 6 (R1), and the 2 (L3).

This is the end of the 3rd quarter - believe it or not we are 75% of the way through the school year!!
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Coding Online Updated

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The original post has lots of updates - amazing how many web sites are available for coding.

List is here

As I get time this summer I will try to update as to what websites work on tablets/Chromebooks.
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I Know What You Did on the Web

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This graphic from Baynote Shows a summary of what common online companies like Facebook and Google are doing with your data. This would make a great discussion board topic relating to Big Data for CS Principles.

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MP3 vs MPEG vs WAV complete FA12

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Today we are going to discuss the differences between MP3, MPEG, and WAV files.  Well start that by watching a video on what a WAV file is:

After discussing those items you will have the rest of the time to complete FA12.  If you get done you can go to the practice websites.
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Php Basic Tutorial Book

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This ebook will give you basic concept behind the program and explanation will be provided in simple english....
learn this will days php program vitally using in web field than ASP,JSP.......

file size:250kb

click here to download
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So What is code

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Great video from PBS Off Book, a series that explores art in the digital world

Is Code the Most Important Language in the World?


It does a great job of quickly describing what code is and then delving into some of the current issues in computer science. I am using it this week as a part of CS Education Week as a journal prompt for my students.

"It is hard to say what problems would be solved with a more diverse workforce."
- Adda Birnir, Co-Founder SkillCrush
 This is the driving force behind a lot of my own work lately. This moves is beyond just looking at diversity of the workplace, but really at how we solve problems as a society.

Inevitably the problems we solve are going to reflect the views and experiences of those solving them. At a deeper level though, the people with the ability to solve these problems through coding have the power to ultimately decide what problems get solutions.

Computer Science is predominantly white and Asian males. In the 2010 census this group made up roughly 38% of the overall population in the United States. That means that 62% of the population is outside of this circle of influence. In essence their problems are outside the view of the people solving humanities problems.

I highly recommend the series in general. The videos are very engaging, short, and show a great diversity of people working with technology.

Some other topics they cover:

  • Future of Wearable Technology
  • Art of Data Visualization
  • Art of Creative Coding
And in case you are using writing in your cs classes heres a full list of the Journal prompts I use in CS Principles.
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Modifying your blog

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Today I am going to show you how you can modify your blog.  There are a variety of ways that you can change your blog to personalize it - you shouldnt have any problem, after today, creating a blog that you feel is representative of what you like or representative of what your theme would be if this were something we were doing for a permanent situation.

As a reminder remember that the crossword puzzle is due Friday - if you are done you can hand it in early.
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Sidewalk Chalk

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Quote of the day: "It was one of those fight or flight things, and you cant fight a mouse." 12th grader explaining why he ran from a mouse.

We had a four legged mouse in the lab today, tiny and cute, but its gotta go. The kids have already named it Billy and want to keep it.

Considering this week started with 7 inches of snow and today it is 80 degrees they have been a bit off the walls, even without rodents.

So, for the CS Principles class we went outside today. Weve been working on Algorithm design (Big Idea # 4). To work on this we did sidewalk art. each team was given a copy of a lab we will program in C++ next month, and using pseudo-code they had to plan out a solution. We havent done ifs or loops in C++ yet, but they all came up with a correct algorithm for solving the problem.

We started this fall with BYOB Scratch, and they seem to be doing much better this year with using methods in designing their programs. They all got exactly how to call existing methods to find the solution. I am looking forward to seeing if how their labs compare to previous years students after drawing out their plans.

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How To Increase PC Speed

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There are many ways you can increase the performance and make your computer runs faster. I used to come across a website which has around 100 ways to make a computer runs faster. Here’re 2 of the best programs I’ve found that is able to increase the speed of your website:

  1. PC Speed Doctor
  2. Overclock Your CPU

Instead of going through each of them, I’m going to share only the best ways to speed up computer. These methods are very easy to do and you can see a big difference after you have applied them.

Most of these methods can be categorized into: Looking Ugly, Cleaning Up and Overclocking. Looking ugly are techniques that reduces the visual effect of your windows. Instead of looking nice and cool, these techniques remove these effects and make your computer runs faster. Cleaning up is about removing files and programs that are slowing down your pc. Last but not least, overclocking is like hacking your own hardware such as processor and graphic cards to make them run faster.

You can start with the following tips!

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The Origin of the Idea

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Hello. On this blog I will be walking you through the process of building a computer. I got the idea to build a computer from working with the Raspberry Pi that we got in class and working with the Makey Makey we also got in class. I also got the idea from my Step-Dad. He built his own computer so I wanted to make one when I heard that he built one.  

I plan to build a computer. Ill build a desk top computer at first then maybe later I will be building a laptop computer. I plan to make my computer almost completely from scratch. I will also plan to make my own monitor as well. I will also try to make my monitor almost completely from scratch.
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Software vs Program learn number keys

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8 - R2 (reach from K to 8)
1 - L4 (reach from A to 1)
9 - R3 (reach from L to 9)
4 - L1 (reach from F to 4)
0 - R4 (reach from ; to 0)

P. 29, 13B, lines 1-4 twice
P. 30, 13C, lines 1-6 once
P. 30, 13D, lines 1-8 twice
P. 30, 13E, lines 1-6 once

When you get done with the above practice lines you need to go to the Free typing Game website and choose either test 8 or test 9.  You need to take at least 3 tests before you write your score on the poster paper!!
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Learning to create a bulleted and numbered list FA7

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Today I am going to show you how you can use Word to create a bulleted list and a numbered list.  Usually, a numbered list is created to show rank (such as your favorite athlete, second favorite athlete, and so on) while a bulleted list is used to show a list that has no rank (a shopping list would be an example).  These are fairly easy to create, modify, and format so Ill show you how you can do that today before starting on your next Formatting Activity.

Again, I want to remind those of you who have vocabulary words to define to get those completed as soon as you can.  If you want to come in here before school or during lunch recess to do that you are welcome - just let me know.

Activity 7.pdf

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We have been having a serious motivation issue in the CS Principles class this marking period. While they are in the room everything gets done, but once they are out the is like homework causes a rash - avoid at all costs. Traditionally grades plummet the marking period after exams, but this is getting ridiculous.

So I have been working on some ways to motivate/nag and see if things improve.

Last Friday before we did the chalk algorithms I had them all text one fact about methods to my e-mail address. This is a sneaky way to capture their text numbers so I can send out reminders.

I am also going to try these:
 This tutorial shows you how to make scratch cards, similar to lottery tickets. My thinking is they can get one of these for doing 5 homeworks in a row.

The hard part is coming up with prizes. I am thinking of doing some gift certificates to the book store - candy sells anything. I never do extra credit, but I might make a few to let them roll a die for bonus points. Ill have to search Oriental trading Co for more ideas. They need to be worth working for, but also not break the bank...
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Computer Science and The Digital Native Myth

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From the Washington Post this morning: Survey finds gap in Internet access between rich, poor students
So the basic summary - half of students from upper income families have Internet access at home, only 3% of students from poor families have Internet access.

No surprise there. I have students that do not have electricity or running water at home. Food is an issue. It is hard to imagine that Internet is a possibility.

So what does that mean for us in Computer Science education?

As educators we have to challenge the assumptions about digital natives with the push for 21st century learning. Weve have several readings in our professional development recently about digital natives and how they are different from us "digital immigrant" educators.

All true, as far as it goes. Some of my students have had access to technological devices since they were toddlers. They are comfortable with using technology to solve problems. They live in a world with constant access to humanitys  largest storehouse of information. They have never lacked for a fact or access to information. They also do not naturally question a lot of the information they receive.

But that is only some of my students. A real wall has grown over the past five years between the students with access and without.

And that is not to say that project based learning is only good for some students. It is a natural way to teach in computer science classes. I have been doing some version of it since the mid 90s when I started teaching computer science. It has been sort of funny that it now has a name.

But what other assumptions about digital natives are we carrying into our classrooms? As technology has shifted from something we visit to something embedded in the lives of many of our students it is too easy to assume every student in instantly comfortable in our labs.

The access issue needs to inform everything from how we recruit to the examples we use in class. I know I am guilty of using smart phones often as an example of something in the "real world". A real world that only exists for a section of my students. It is probably about like trying to explain English grammar by comparing it to Japanese.

And the question then becomes, is computer science really for everyone?

I say yes, and it is something we may need to fight for. It is easy to attract the kids with access. Really, how hard is it to convince a kid that spent last summer at  robotics camp that computer science might be interesting?

For the rest of the kids computer science classes are the one chance they have of really climbing over that wall. We offer an Ellis Island opportunity for the "digital immigrants" in our classes.

So do we do the easy thing, or the right thing?

Of course I am crazy enough to think that computer science should replace the traditional geometry class for all students. But we can debate that one another day.

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wav video FA9

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Here is a video that explains what a WAV video is:

After watching the video we will be working to complete FA9.  I am going to show you what you can do with the drawing shapes in Word as well as how to use and format WordArt. Activity 9.pdf

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