Marching towards May APCS exam prep

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In my APCS class we are functionally done with new topics this year. They are working on searches and sorts the next two weeks, but in my mind that is just an application of the array material we covered back in December.

This is how I pace my AP a spiral. We hit a topic early on, like arrays. Then in the next unit we cover methods, and guess what? Most of the methods I have them write process arrays. We do class design, and here we are back on arrays. My hope is that by seeing them embedded throughout with lots of repetition, they might actually remember a few things about them on the AP exam, or in college, or on Jeopardy. Im a dreamer that way.

To start off we did a day of review about arrays. I gave them some practice exercises, then we did CodingBat  problems. That was Monday. Wednesday we started searches. First I gave them a quiz - I randomly picked one of the CodingBat problems from last class and used it for a 60-80-100 quiz.

 As went over the problem we talked a lot about stealing points on the APCS Free Response questions...did you know you could steal points?

We did the 2009 #1 free response problem. it ties in nicely with a lot of what you see in the CodingBat problems.

Then we did searches. I used Plastic eggs  for the linear search. We did the telephone book trick for the binary search. Heres a video of another way to teach this.

And as a side note, as telephone books become less common I am finding I horde these.

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AP Computer Science Doldrums

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So - what are your AP kids doing for the rest of the year?

Here in Virginia school doesnt get out until June for most school districts. This makes for a lot of time to fill.

Ted Talks
My AP kids do end of the year projects. I leave these pretty unstructured. Pick something available in the lab and make something amazing. Thats the rule.

So I have kids working on 3-D printing projects. Some are working in Python. Last year one person went totally old school and really delved into QBasic.

Overall this has been pretty successful, but as we all know at the end of the year we are competing with spring and senioritis. So to make sure they dont go completely off the rail this year I am trying to make them write - I know, theyll love it, right?

Please allow me my delusions, it has been a busy year.

Each block I am showing them a Ted Talk. They respond to the videos using Piazza. I collect these as a quiz grade just so I have something to nag them with. Sometimes keeping them focused is about bribery and threats. Whatever works.

Whenever I do discussion board topics in computer science classes I have a very structured set of rules for them to follow. I am trying to transition them to academic writing and beyond LOL.

So I am curious - how is everyone else handling this wasteland of time between the AP exam and the last day of school? What works for you?

Oh, and if you are interested, here are my discussion board rules:

We are going to be using the discussion board for the rest of the year. Your participation on the discussion board will count as a quiz grade each marking period. Some guidelines:
  • Use full sentences. No abbreviations or text-speak.
  • Be nice!
  • No bad words
  • No personal attacks
Ways of participating:
  • Be prepared – do the reading and share your information
  • Offer a new fact
  • Respond to other people’s ideas
  • Ask questions
  • Answer questions
  • To get full credit you must have at least 3 posts     

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Updated Schedule

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I have updated the schedule for the rest of the year.  In terms of what you need to get done not much has changed, but originally I was not thinking I was going to be here at the beginning of this week, and that has obviously changed.

May 13 - Pizza Menu (formatting changes)
May 14 - Pizza Menu due
May 15 - Our town (with House 2 teachers)
May 16 - Our town (with House 2 teachers)
May 19 - Our town (with House 1 teachers)
May 20 - Our town (with House 1 teachers) in the morning; Olympiad in the afternoon
May 21 - Our town field trip in Geneseo
May 22 - work day - get any missing work submitted
May 23 - work day - get any missing work submitted; LAST DAY ANY ASSIGNMENTS MAY BE SUBMITTED FOR COMPUTER APPLICATIONS!!!

May 27 - regular day of school
May 28 - 1/2 day of school (watch video)
May 29 - 1/2 day of school (last student attendance day)
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Windows vocabulary vocab word search keying practice

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DO NOT CHANGE THE BACKGROUNDS ON THE COMPUTER!!  This actually is a violation of the computer lab policy and should not be attempted.

I want to start today by discussing a few things regarding this weeks vocabulary list - Operating System, Windows, Tool bar, and Menu bar.

After explaining those to you I am going to give you time in class today to search for definitions for your vocabulary words.  After today there shouldnt be anyone who doesnt have a definition posted when it is time for their words to be posted on the Wikispaces page.  Youre not going to be able to post your definitions in class today but you will have your definitions.

Once this is complete we will head back to the practice websites for more practice.

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How To Run Php In Your System

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Normally we cannot run php program in our system,becoz php is client and server program.
So we need a server to run the php program,becoz server can evaluate the php program code...
To availl server you need to install for that click here to download server for 32 bit os. and click here to download server for 64 bit os.


After you downloaded just install like normall exe file...after completing installation...
Just type localhost in your browser...if its says It work or wampp splash page...
your installation is sucessfull....

Now to run php program or check php program working or not,
open notepad type   <? phpinfo() ?>   and save it as arunji.php.
then paste this file in c:wampphtdocs....

then open browser type   localhost/arunji.php
then it will show php your ready run ur system as server......
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Review Blind assignment

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We will start with a review from yesterday - we had very little time to practice the right shift key at the end of the hour so we will spend some time today reviewing that key along with everything else.

Once we spend some time reviewing we will be completing our blind assignment.  This will involve 20 words - I will spell each word to you so you need not worry about being a bad speller - and we will print this out and hand it in for a grade.  I will have several other instructions that I will give you before we start.

As a reminder, if you have vocabulary words that need to be defined for next week they need to be done by next Tuesday night.  Thats still plenty of time...this is just a friendly reminder to get that done.  If you want to come in here at school (outside of class time) then you are welcome to do so, just make sure you let me know when you are coming in.

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Computer Memory is an Important Part of the Computer

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Computer memory is an important part of the computer because it allows it to store vital information that you will need. Whether the information is in the form of data, pictures or sounds, a computer with a lot of memory can store it. There are basic types of computer memory and you will need to know a little bit about each to ensure your computer is running effectively.

Random access memory or RAM is the same thing as your computer memory. RAM is the main memory center, so essentially, it is the most important. The reason RAM is so crucial is that it is used to store your files and programs and it affects many other computer aspects as well.

DDR computer memory can be bought to increase the amount of memory you have, but first you will want to learn a little more about your computer. Understanding how it works will help you work better with your computer.

The more RAM computer memory your computer has, the faster it will work for you. If you find that youre computer has been very slow lately, you might want to look into buying some DDR for it. If you arent sure what to buy or how to install it, its best to let a professional do it this time around. You will find that all electronic stores that sell RAM will offer optional installation services for a small fee. If you choose this option, it would be a great idea to ask them exactly what they did so you can do it yourself if the need ever arises again.
But, if you know a little something already about computer memory, why not install your DDR program yourself? It will save you some time and money and your computer will be back to working at optimal speed in no time. Either route you choose, dont neglect the health of your computer. If it starts working differently than it ever has, get it checked out or troubleshoot the problem yourself. This will ensure that it stays working great for years to come.
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Week of vocab list 7 Internet 3 FA8

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This is another vocab list week - this week is list #7, which is Internet #3.  As usual, if you have definitions that you are responsible for they need to be posted on the Wiki spaces page by Tuesday night.

Today we are going to start working on FA8.  This has several components to it.  First, youll be typing a summary of your favorite movie in Word.  The formatting end of it will require you to learn to use the word count feature (very easy to do) in Microsoft Word, and you also will be double spacing your text.

After completing the summary you will post your summary on your blog, and in addition to posting it on your blog you will also be inserting an image on your blog that is related to your movie.  This will also be covered today in class so that you can complete that part of the formatting activity.  This will be due at the end of class on Tuesday.

Activity 8.pdf

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Apply for the next phase of the CS Principles Pilot

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Apply Here


The College Board’s AP Program and the CS Principles (CSP) project team invite you to complete an institutional survey as part of recruitment efforts for the next phase of course and exam development. The information you provide will be reviewed by a search committee to help with the final selection of 50 institutions (roughly 40 high schools; 10 colleges/universities). This cohort of pilot schools will continue piloting the course under the auspices of the College Board for the next three years. That is, we expect selected pilot schools to begin piloting the course next academic school year (2013-14) and continue piloting the course until the end of academic school year 2015-16. The AP CS Principles course is scheduled to launch in the fall of 2016, with the first AP exam administration in May 2017.
To complete the survey go to: Complete the AP CS Principles Pilot Institutional Survey, you must also upload a syllabus as part of your application.

The deadline to complete the survey and upload the syllabus is Wednesday, April 17.

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Remove Unused Windows 8 Network Connection Entries

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Rename Windows 8 Network Connections and Remove Unused Connection Entries

All of a sudden, we see some strange things in our life.  Here we are talking about Microsofts new operating system Windows 8.

In this post, we are discussing and resolving issues related to Network naming in Windows 8.  Since the roll out of Windows 8, people are switching to it as soon as they can.

When we reset our modem or install Mobile Partner devices, we see the network name changes to Network 2, Network 3, and so on..

Sometimes, this becomes annoying for users and they want it to be changed to default name "Network"

With Windows 8, the option for deleting, merging, and renaming Network connection entries have removed and users are finding trouble renaming or deleting unsed Network entries.

For this you just need to locate a registry entry and you can change name or delete unused connection entries.  Just follow few simple steps below.

1.  Open Registry Editor by typing Regedit in Run prompt (Windows key + R key).
2.  Locate to registry entry displayed in the image below.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsNTCurrent VersionNetworkListProfiles

3.  There you will find all network profiles and you can change or delete them as per your requirements.

4.  Just right click ProfileName and click Modify.

You are done.

Comments Welcome..
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Pizza Menu due today!

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Youll have the entire hour to work on the Pizza Menu today.

There are a couple of reminders about the menu - remember to include the following:

6 images; colored text boxes around the categories; you should have 2 pages - one page will have the menu and prices, then the other page will be the front and back of the menu. 

When you get done entering the information for the menu and prices you will just move to the next page and start working on the Outside Back Panel (remember that you might have part of the menu that spills over to this part - thats ok!).  The Outside Back Panel will be the left side of the second page.  Once you get done entering your information here you will then move to the right side of the second page (or to the second column of the second page) and enter the information for the Outside Front Panel. 

When you get done I would like to see you print out your two pages so you can see how this looks like a menu.  Staple the pages together and hand in the gray tray on my desk.

As a last resort, if you do not get done today you can still work on this at home or during Study Hall, lunch recess, etc. and then turn it in late.  Obviously turning it in late will not earn you full credit, but you will at least get some credit.  Also remember we have next Thursday and Friday (May 22 and 23) that we will have all class hour to work on missing work...but again if you wait until then to hand this in you will not get full credit.
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Vocab Quiz 4 SOFTWARE learn diagonal dollar sign and exclamation point symbols

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As per our usual procedures on days when we have vocab quizzes we will take a few minutes to review at the beginning of the hour.  Please do not go to Classmarker until I tell you to do so.

Once you finish the quiz you will be learning new symbols on the keyboard.  Follow the below directions to complete these symbols for today:

P. 40 17B, lines 1-3 twice (this is the diagonal - use your R4 finger)
P. 40 17B, lines 4-6 twice (this is the dollar sign - use the right shift key and L1 finger on the 4)
P. 40 17B, lines 7-9 twice (this is the exclamation point - use the right shift key and the L4 finger on the 1)

Once you get done typing these lines, raise your hand and I will come over to check to see that you are done.  When you get done you may go to any of the typing games websites for practice.
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Why Binary

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I was challenged by a parent last year about why we teach binary in our CS classes. Honestly I didnt answer too well. I was in a bit of shock, good shock - it is not often I have a parent have much of an idea about what we teach in CS.

So I didnt answer well. But I do teach it, and for very specific reasons.

Analog Binary Calculator

You have to be intentional about why you are teaching anything. Are you using it as a way of dividing the smart and the dumb kids? We might not state this as a goal, but often difficult topics in class create just this divide. This group gets it easily, so they are valued more than the kids that struggle. Think back to the last class you really struggled in and be honest - it can feel that way. As a non-speller this was a lot of my own elementary experience.

So as a community we have to move beyond teaching a skill for the sake of the skill. Frankly teaching something like binary is a bit of a cheap trick. Here are the steps you perform, practice those steps, now demonstrate mastery. Especially for those of us with a math education background this is exactly how we were taught to teach. To some degree this is training behavior, not teaching content.

CS gives us the opportunity to move beyond basic skills and give them context. We see this same issue happening in math. The kids dont get WHY they have to do fractions, so rather than provide a context, we hand them a calculator and move on. Most of them will never use it anyway, right? We rob them of a deeper understanding of their world when we take the easy route.

So, why do we bother with binary?

It is our job to constantly link these skills based topics back to the bigger questions of CS. Binary is foundational to understanding how computers act and what they can and cannot do.

So as you teach binary your students should be writing and answering questions. This is a perfect time to explore what kinds of problems computers can solve. Why is it fairly simple to search a cell phones address book for your grandmas phone number, but you cannot just type in "solve world hunger" and get a solution? Well, part of the answer is the kinds of things computers can store. We can easily download Shakespeares Hamlet, but we cannot get the computer to read it for us and list the major themes. That kind of processing is, for now, outside its abilities.

And this is something students of any level can discuss. Perhaps not to the same depth or level of analysis, but they can form knowledge around it, and in fact they should.

And back to teaching the skill, it is also our job to teach difficult and abstract things with appropriate scaffolding so that all kids can get some level of mastery.  Again, not every kid will fully absorb the amazing beauty that is the twos comp algorithm, but if they have done it they will better understand why int x =/*insert hugemungous number*/ pops around and gives them a negative number. And maybe when that kid has gone off to college and is sitting in a very intimidating CS class they are that much less likely to drop it.

So for me binary is a cheap trick, but not for the skills sake, but as a bridge to the bigger philosophical ideas that should be a part of CS education. Every person should be thinking about these things. It impacts us all.
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Preview Microsoft Office 2013

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Microsoft has announced latest version suite of office applications , called : Microsoft Office 2013. Currently, option available to the public is a Beta . 
Microsoft Office 2013 will be available in two versions :

1 Microsoft Office 2013 , which will be a classic version available in version Retail and OEM such as 2010 or 2007 .
2 Microsoft Office 365 , that you have access based on subscription monthly . Will offers same facilities as and Microsoft office 2013 but and some bonuses . For example will offers unlimited access at SkyDrive service ,with that is integrated . In addition , this release will receive updates more recent . Both versions will contain all applications that you used : Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Access and Outlook.

One of the great changes made by Microsoft office suite was application integration with SkyDrive service , to have access to all documents published using a lot of Gadgets .

Unfortunately , Microsoft not announced official launch date of the application and not value .

For those who do not know , SkyDrive service is similar his Google Drive , ie allows to store various files, on Microsoft servers for to have access at the anytime and anywhere with a internet connection .

Microsoft has worked hard to improve Office suite .
We expect the final version, probably by January 2013
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Mobile Partner Dashboard for Windows 8

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Huawei Mobile Partner Dashboard

Mobile Partner by Huawei


Mobile Partner is a dashboard software available for Huawei Internet Dongles created by Huawei Technologies.  Here you will find latest version of Mobile Partner with almost every operators Internet setting built in.

Almost everywhere on Internet, there are lots of Mobile Partner Dashboards available for download, but unfortunately none of them will work with Microsofts latest Operating System Windows 8 because of their driver incompatibility.

In this post you will find Mobile Partner latest version, which is fully supported and compatible with Windows 8, 100% tested working.

This is a 100% clean download and company-provided Dashboard and it is not modified in any state.


Images and Logos are copyrighted to their respective owners.  Do not copy/reuse without permission.

With its Easy-To-Use One Click CONNECT button, you can get yourself connected within few seconds.  Enjoy High-Speed Internet On-The-Go with this new Dashboard.  Almost all network profiles are integrated by default from Huawei in this dashboard.

Download Details:

File Name:  Mobile
Supported OS:  XP/Windows 7/Windows 8
File Size:  25.5 MB
Date Updated:  20 July 2013

Download Link:
Click To Download

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Wikispaces account Learn Left Shift key and period

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Today we will cover how to use your Wikispaces account.  This will be how you post your vocab definitions online.  Any online wiki allows users to change the content of the website; for our class wiki the only people who can change the content are the people in the class - no one else will have access to the wiki.  It is for this reason that using Wikipedia should be used with caution - you can never be sure that the person who edited the website is an expert in the area they posted about online.

After covering how to use the Wikispaces website we will learn the Left Shift key (L4) and the period (R3).
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Review all keys learned Learn O and T

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We are going to do much like yesterday…review the keys that we have learned so far.  However, today we are going to use a different method for review as part of what we do in class.  This should help to break up the monotony.

Additionally we will be learning the O (R3) and the T (L1) today.  Believe or not after today you will have already learned 50% of the letters on the keyboard!


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8th Grade Technology Elective

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The Walker Middle School is offering a series of electives for 8th graders that want to choose between Technology, Drama, and Art. This program will enable each 8th grader to choose a course that will offer a more demanding and fullfilling environment in a subject area that interest them.

8th Grade Technology:
In the technology course; students will learn how to edit and prepare pictures, Fireworks batch files, create photo slideshows, utilize web 2.0 tools, make digital movie projects, create podcasts, and delve into simple programming.

The course will start out with some simple techniques and tools to make photo slideshows. The students will use PowerPoint and Photo Story to create photo slideshows with music of their choice playing in the background.

Phase two of the course will involve learning how to use a variety of Web 2.0 on-line tools. The web tools that will be used include: on-line quiz making, comic strip creation, graph and chart creation, music ripping and conversion, diagram creation (make a diagram of their house), and much more.

The next phase of the course will involve the use of the programming tools Alice and Scratch. These two programs use visual drag and drop functions to create simple graphic storylines. Storylines include people, objects, scenery, sound, and movement.

This elective promises to be both challenging and fun for the tech savvy 8th grader that loves using their experience and skill to create a variety of sophisticated projects.
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Windows vocab words Learn Q and comma

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At the beginning of class today we are going to discuss a few of the vocab words.  Some of these are easily confused so I want to make sure that we understand the differences between them before Fridays quiz.  We will talk about the following:  toolbar, menu bar, drop-down menu, keyboard shortcut, scroll bar, and function keys.

Additionally we will be learning the Q (L4) and the comma (R2).
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IBM Video Computer Science in Medicine

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Found this video on the IBM Website...a lot of it applies to Computer Science. Its the Wild Duck video Zip ahead to minute 7 and there is a great 2.5 minute clip about a researcher using the data collected from computers in the NICU to help premie health.

So, why this particular video?

Part of our job is to show computer science in context. Showing that computer science is about more than games, but about using computation to solve real human problems helps attract a variety of kids to our classes.

While you are at it, the 100x100 video is the history of IBMs first 100 years, but is a good history of computers video also.
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Keypad practice and new keys

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We will review the keys that we learned yesterday on the key pad.  Once we are done with the review we will learn the other numbers on the keypad.

And then...we will be completely done with learning keys on the keyboard!
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Pizza menu due!

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The pizza menu is due today!  However, as I mentioned yesterday, you could still turn it in tomorrow, you just wont earn full credit.

Additionally, if you have any missing assignments you have to have those turned in tomorrow as well.

Tomorrow and Friday well complete the bracket challenge - if youre still alive in the tournament bring it on!!!
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Word Project

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friends i have uploaded full version of technical interview questions such as c,c++,java,data structure,os,networks and databases........

file size:750kb

click here to download
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Random Numbers make Big Hair

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Random numbers are one of those core topics in teaching computer science. We experience them all the time, but most folks really dont know anything about how they happen or what they are used for.

Often games are the most obvious way of teaching about random numbers. It is a quick and easy way to introduce the topic. However there is a downside in relying too much on games. Not all students, especially females, are naturally interested in gaming. Traditionally it is perceived to be a very male centered activity and  only using gaming to teach runs the risk of turning off a large chunk of our students.

This months Wired Magazine had a quick article on how the animators at Pixar created the hair in Brave. It gives and interesting discussion of how geometry and computer science come together in animation. The article is nice and short and would make a good discussion board prompt on random numbers.

I do use games throughout my courses, but I try to balance them with other types of programs. We use a lot of media computation based problems also, and when I do games I try to wither offer a social component or an alternative assignment.

A side note - overall this was one of the better issues for high school kids. Pretty readable overall, and less questionable content than some.

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Fifth Grade Project Everglades part 3

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By: Gregorio
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Marissa Meyer Nine Lessons Learned about Creativity at Google

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This is a talk given at the Stanfords Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders podcast by Marissa Meyer, new CEO at Yahoo back in 2006.

The talk is 48 minutes total, and they have it broken down into ten video clips. These would make great prompts for student discussion boards.

Of course as a high school computer science teacher this news is very exciting. She is a very visible and successful computer science major. All the news buzz about her balancing work and family have been a bit overdone in the media, buy for the girls in our classes it is great to see this conversation play out on such a large stage.
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Computer Science Movies

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I posted this on Twitter yesterday, and got a rather heated response.

Can you recommend any good movies for high school computer science classes?
War Games

Whew, I just expected a few Pixar movies and that was that. What I got instead was, well, frankly a bit grumpy. And also spot on.

I personally dont do movie days often. The time we have the kids in the lab and are able to really get them engaged is pretty limited and I want them creating, not watching, as much as possible. This means that whole class periods where we "watch" a movie is out- and we all know the kids are usually napping or on their cell phones anyway. Of course you can make them fill out a worksheet as they watch, but nothing kills joy like a worksheet.

I do use movies and videos. For example in my intro class we do a big movie project where the kids create a stop animation movies, including chroma-key-compositing, using Visual Basic. To get them excited we watch some short films, and selections from Avatar.

We do a lot of Ted Talks, especially in the APCS Principles class, as writing prompts.

But my focus most of the time is hands on activities where the kids are engaged and making things.

One interesting answer on the Twitter feed was to watch movies themed around ethical computer use - like War Games. I love the idea of using a movie to hit this sometimes hard to explore topic.

Now all that said, Most years I end up having my APCS and IBCS kids the afternoon after they take their exams. And we watch a movie. And eat popcorn.

So, what movies would you recommend?

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SLC conference folder covers

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Today we are going to spend the hour working on the SLC Computer Apps sheet, and creating a SLC folder cover.

The Computer Apps folder sheet is green, and it needs to be filled out.  I will be handing out your crossword puzzle from last week so that you can use it for a portfolio example; you could also print out any of the vocab quizzes we have taken, or if you have any of your formatting activities you could also print them out as a portfolio example.

Here are the things that I want you to include on the folder cover:

At the top include the day and time of your conference.  Create this in a large sized font.

Next, you can include 2 images in your document.  These images should reflect one of three things:  something that you like about school (lunch or lunch recess do not count), challenges that school presents on a daily basis, or hobbies you have. You can only have one of each of the three different areas.

Once you print out the cover you can tape it to the manila folder.
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Vocab definitions Crossword puzzle FA9

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There is no vocab quiz this week, so we will be having a crossword puzzle that I will hand out today. There will be vocab quiz #8 next week so if you have not yet posted any definitions for list #8 please get that completed as soon as possible (you have all day tomorrow - no excuses!).

Today we are going to start learning about inserting shapes into Word.  There are several different styles of shapes, and there are also many cool ways to format the shapes that you can insert.  We also will learn to insert WordArt, which is a uniquely formatted way to enter text into a document.

Activity 9.pdf

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Learn B and Y

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Today we will add the B (L1) and the Y (R1) to our arsenal of learned keys.  These are both long reaches on the keyboard, but since you are using your index fingers it should help.

After learning these two keys we will spend the rest of the hour reviewing.

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